

When waste paper is disposed of, foreign substances such as film, plastic, textiles or even metals are often found in the material. These impurities are sorted out when the waste paper is recycled in the paper mill and the paper fibres are recovered. This production waste is called rejects.

The recycling process begins with the waste paper travelling on a conveyor belt into the pulper, a type of large agitated vat. There it is dissolved in a circulating paper pulp, allowing all the paper fibres to be extracted. The rejects described above are separated from the fibres by becoming entangled in a so-called pulper tail (ragger wire). This tail is formed in the centre of the pulper and is slowly pulled out of it. The rejects are then transported to the respective storage box via a conveyor belt including a metal separator.

After separation, the question arises as to the further use of the rejects. According to the Waste Classification Ordinance, these fall under the waste code numbers 030307 and 030310. Although the material is relatively wet and usually has a moisture content of around 40 – 45%, it has a high calorific value on a dry basis, which can be over 16 MJ/kg depending on the material. Despite their high moisture content, this high calorific value makes the rejects a potentially valuable energy source. For example, they can be used as refuse-derived fuels in power plants to generate heat.

In addition to appropriate recycling, professional disposal also offers an economic advantage. By getting paid a gate fee from the paper mill for the disposal of rejects delivered at power plant, companies can not only act in an environmentally conscious manner, but also benefit financially.

With the Brüning Group, we are continuously working on efficient and sustainable waste disposal. We channel the waste materials into further utilisation of their energy and recycling potential. In this process, we attach particular importance to close cooperation with our national and international partners. Thanks to our many years of experience in the field of waste management, we can offer our customers cross-border solutions that minimise their environmental impact, among other things.
