A secure asset

with the Brüning Group

Power plants

powerfully supplied

We look back on more than 25 years of experience in the market for energy-supplying bulk raw materials. We started with the partial supply of different types of power plants, whether  waste incineration plants and substitute fuel power plants or waste wood and greenwood power ones. Depending on your needs, we supply the required quantities of material in the desired quality. In the course of time, we have specialized in the full supply of biomass heating and power plants in addition.

Renewable energies, sustainability and renewable raw materials are the order of the day. With energetic utilisation, the primary goal is to replace primary energy sources such as coal, oil or natural gas with renewable energies on a piece-by-piece basis.

In addition, with Waste-to-Energy we cover all waste products that do not constitute biomass and do not fall under the category of wood. In this segment, too, we have established both an independent supplier network and a firm foothold. 

We easily compensate for regional delivery bottlenecks through our supra-regional supply network and your goods reach their destination as planned. For our customers, we always keep an eye on the moving market. We work in accordance with the latest legal requirements and monitor the development of new market players (m/f/d) and new products.

Biomass heating and power plants

We supply both power station throughout Germany as well as Europe with partial quantities and several power plants as the sole raw material contractor. Thanks to our many years of experiences and competencies in the area of renewable energies, we are a reliable partner when it comes to the development of a suitable fuel concept. Regardless of whether you want to operate a plant in the waste wood or fresh wood sector, we support you as early as the planning phase and subsequently recommend ourselves as your full supplier of raw materials.

Our company stands for sustainability when dealing with existing resources. For this reason, we deliver for thermal recycling only solid fuels from industry, forestry and landscaping which cannot be used in production any more. We are familiar with the current market situation and always think one step ahead in terms of planning and delivery.

The Renewable Energy Act 2009, 2012, 2017 and 2021 promotes the generation of electricity from biomass to protect the climate and the environment. One of the conditions is the use of renewable raw materials. As experts in the legal requirements of the Renewable Energy Act, we also know how to secure the best possible remuneration for you as a power station operator (m/f/d) by compulsorily complying with and being able to demonstrate the legally prescribed qualities.

We are active in the field of energy wood extraction throughout Germany and mobilise the necessary wood to supply our biomass power station customers (m/f/d). While doing so, we distinguish between delivery of fresh and waste wood power plants. We always aim to secure the best possible quality at a favourable cost ratio. Convince yourself!

Waste wood power plants

Wood-based materials and solid wood that exceed the pollutant contents and limit values according to the Waste Wood Ordinance for material recycling are utilised in waste wood power plants, then. During the process, smaller plants mainly utilize uncontaminated waste wood of category A I and A II, while bigger plants from approx. 10 MW can incinerate the whole waste wood range from A I go A IV.

Our regular suppliers include companies from the recycling sector, container services, pallet recycling and municipal waste recycling.


Depending on the contract, we purchase fixed delivery quantities or spot quantities corresponding to the market from our suppliers. Due to our long-standing and regular contacts with our numerous suppliers, the supply of our power plant customers with the desired quantities is constantly ensured.

Greenwood power plants

Greenwood power plants need organic fuel, such as material from landscape conservation, forest residues or even wood from energy wood plantations cultivated specifically for energy production.

Regarding the procurement of materials for the greenwood power plants, we work closely with forestry companies, gardening and landscaping companies, but also with cities and municipalities. The necessary road and clearance maintenance, as well as maintenance work in public green spaces, produces a lot of residual wood that is ideally suited as energy wood. Residual forest wood, which accumulates during heavy storms, for example, is also ideal for thermal utilisation.


We collect the branch and shrub materials at central storage places unit they are available in sufficient quantity to chip the wood directly into a walking floor truck and transport it to the power plant.

We specifically take the regionality of the raw materials that we supply to the respective power plants into account. In cooperation with our logistics, we rely on short transportation routes. We also generally commission companies from the region for the chopping.

You as a power plant customer can rely on us. We focus entirely on the needs of your power plant and develop a customised supply concept 

Waste incineration plants and Substitute fuel power plants

Waste incineration plants and RDF power plants use energy contained in waste on the one hand  and contribute to diminishing the amount of waste to be stored on landfill sites on the other hand.

RDF power plants utilize pretreated waste using it as a substitute fuel in thermal recycling. While doing so, calorific waste with an efficient energy content is used.

We offer you as plant operators the opportunity to benefit from our reliable deliveries. We are happy to secure your desired amount of fuel and to agreed long-term delivery contracts.


We take care of everything and ensure a steady flow of materials - guaranteed!


Tailored Waste

We produce fuel entirely according to your needs.


Our service – your advantage

The waste-to-energy (WTE) sector is a firm pillar of ours and we are part of an excellent network. Our regular suppliers include companies from the recycling sector, container services, pallet recycling and municipal waste recycling. Depending on the contract, we purchase fixed delivery quantities from our suppliers or relevant quantities from the spot market. Our extensive network of suppliers plays a decisive role in ensuring that power plant customers are always supplied with the desired quantities.

Thanks to our long-term raw material securing and a reliable storage concept, we will also quickly find a solution for you in case of difficulties caused by weather conditions or traffic problems. We face hindrances and let them motivate us to look for flexible and quick solutions by means of which we can convince you.

Throughout Europe

The main thing is to get it approved!

When importing and exporting waste, a licensing procedure, the so-called notification,  must be run through. This process involves the authority of the country of origin, the transit country if applicable, and the authority of the country of destination. In Germany, exporters (notifiers) are obliged under the Waste Shipment Act to obtain official permits in advance from all authorities involved. The permits are usually valid for one to a maximum of three years. The only exception is waste that is on the so-called “Green List”. 

As these are not heavily contaminated, problematic wastes, notification is not required. Particularly in the case of thermal recycling of waste, very intensive material inspection is consistently prescribed and international flows of goods are strictly monitored.

