

We are pleased to report on a project of the Brüning Group that both protects the environment and makes our logistics more efficient. Since the start of the project, we have successfully shifted almost 35,000 tonnes of RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel = waste for incineration) to rail. This corresponds to an impressive 64.19 million tonne-kilometres.

Rail transport offers considerable advantages over truck transport: According to a data survey*, freight trains emit around 85% less CO2 per tonne-kilometre. We are therefore making an important contribution to reducing CO2 emissions and actively helping to protect the environment.

Our current connections extend from northern Italy to Denmark and Sweden. The logistical realisation of such transports requires close communication between the terminals, our customers and the rail transport companies. In particular, delivery to the power plant and loading at the dispatch station must be coordinated smoothly in order to minimise train idle times and work cost-effectively. Early notification of possible delays by the railway operators is also of great importance.

Rail transport is not only more environmentally friendly, but also enables us to deliver large quantities of RDF at once and on a regular basis. This makes our logistics maximally plannable and offers our suppliers and customers a reliable and constant supply. Thanks to the high capacity of the block trains, we can work efficiently and are less susceptible to traffic problems and delays that often occur on the road. Provided there are no unforeseen events such as roadworks, this method allows us to ensure that our deliveries arrive on time and on schedule.

In addition, rail transport helps to relieve the road network and reduces traffic congestion in the affected regions. Among other things, this leads to a lower environmental impact. Our efforts to shift transport from RDF to rail are an important step towards a more sustainable future and show that economic efficiency and ecological responsibility can go hand in hand.

We are proud of our achievements to date in this field and will continue to work on making our transport operations environmentally friendly and efficient.

* Source: Database ‘Environment and Transport’ [2011] Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg (short: IFEU; Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg), on behalf of Allianz pro Schiene e. V. (Association ‘Pro Rail Alliance’), Verband der Bahnindustrie in Deutschland e. V. (short: VDB; German Railway Industry Association) and Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen e. V. (short: VDV; Association of German Transport Companies)
