

As a company, the Brüning Group is characterised by its exceptional ability to deal effectively with crises and recover quickly from them. In a constantly changing business world, we have proven time and again that we proactively tackle the challenges of a crisis and even utilise the opportunities to become even stronger and more resilient.

A key factor in this strength is the close link between crisis management and the code of conduct. This clearly defined code of conduct forms the basis for the company’s actions in crisis situations by setting out ethical standards, responsibilities and communication guidelines that provide guidance in difficult times.

The ability to adapt to changing circumstances is crucial to the success of crisis management. For this reason, an internal crisis team was established to consider, review and assess various crisis scenarios and the associated risks from all perspectives in order to subsequently draw up a business continuity plan (BCP) to help maintain business operations during a crisis.

Open and transparent communication plays a crucial role during a crisis. At the Brüning Group, we attach great importance to communicating with internal and external stakeholders. By providing early information about possible effects, measures taken and progress in overcoming the crisis, we create trust as a company and enable stakeholders to make informed decisions.

But good communication alone is not enough. Crises serve us as a learning opportunity. We systematically analyse the causes and effects of crises and draw valuable lessons for future challenges. With the help of regular training courses and workshops, we also aim to further improve our employees’ awareness and skills in dealing with crises. This continuous development and learning from experience make a significant contribution to creating a culture of resilience and innovation within the Brüning Group.

You can find a separate article on our Code of Conduct here >>
