Who wouldn’t like to know exactly what heating and the corresponding energy sources of the future will really look like? What will prevail? What is particularly sustainable, always available and highly energy-efficient? In addition, there is one factor that is probably the bugbear of consumers – the costs. For us as pellet traders, this is also an unknown variable and currently a highly debated topic in connection with the new Buildings Energy Act.
In this regard, the German Energy Wood and Pellet Association (Deutscher Energieholz- und Pellet-Verband, short DEPV) published an article at the end of August in which it refers to the German government’s recent forecast of the costs of various energy sources. The energy price forecast of the Federal Ministry for Economics Affairs and Climate Action for the new Buildings Energy Act identifies wood pellets as by far the cheapest energy source for the next 12 years, with an average price of 8.58 cents/kWh, compared to others such as biomethane, district heating, natural gas and heat pumps. According to Martin Bentele, managing director of the DEPV, the result is not surprising. Although the price of pellets has recently risen sharply in the short term, it is usually only subject to slight seasonal price fluctuations, mostly influenced by the construction industry. As a climate-friendly fuel, however, they are independent of CO2 prices and free of speculative influences. [1]
Of course, we follow assessments like these with great interest. Christian Kuntze, Director of Pellets, explains: “For us as the link between producers, fuel traders and wholesale customers, obviously it would be gratifying if we could provide the energy market with a profitable sustainable product in the form of wood pellets in the long term. After all, we want to offer our customers, and thus the end consumers, a heating material like pellets that is competitive in the energy mix. We also note that pellets are already much more widespread in international markets and are accepted as a normal fuel, both for private heating and in large power plants as a substitute for coal.” .
As a globally active company, we see this as an additional incentive in the pellets sector. For us, it is clear that wood as a renewable resource is one of the most important energy sources of the future. Anyone who consequently wants to heat sustainably, in an environmentally friendly manner, with the greatest energy efficiency and at the same time cost-effectively, is definitely on the right track with wood pellets.
[1] Source: DEPV – Regierung sieht Holzpellets in Zukunft als günstigsten Brennstoff (DEPV – Government sees wood pellets as the cheapest fuel in future; German version only)