With a packed agenda, big visions, and a suitcase full of ideas, our Area Manager South-West, Marvin Studnitzky, started his annual field service tour through Baden-Wuerttemberg at the end of the year. Special focus of this trip: biomass trends in 2025. For this purpose, Marvin’s path led him to both long-standing partners and new contacts – always with the clear goal of jointly creating innovative solutions for a sustainable future, true to our motto: ‘enabling a greener future’!
Our partners in Baden-Wuerttemberg play a central role in the realisation of this vision, because Marvin is convinced: ‘Regional partnerships are the future.’ This is why the Brüning Group has established a strong network in the region, which is characterised by mutual support. An example from day-to-day business: in winter, when the demand for bark is low, we make sure that it is constantly being collected from the sawmills, even in the off-season. When the material is in high demand again in spring, we can count on the support of our suppliers to guarantee our customers a reliable supply. This interaction ensures that we remain a solid partner for our customers as well as our suppliers all year round and our customers enjoy a high level of supply security.
Travelling from Stuttgart to the Black Forest, Marvin gained numerous new contacts on his tour that will further strengthen this network. An absolute highlight of the trip is the collaboration with an earthwork that is already one of our customers and will also be working for us as a processor in the future – a total success for everyone involved and a true benefit for the environment: shorter transport routes, lower logistic costs and a reduced CO2 footprint. All this allows us to provide our products at attractive prices, even if prices for raw materials rise. Thanks to our close co-operation with regional partners in Baden-Wuerttemberg, we are able to shape our logistics processes more efficiently and at the same time more sustainably.