


Name a hashtag that currently describes your day-to-day work.

I have two that pretty much nail it: #colourfulbouquetoftopics and #somethingneweveryday


What do you find most exciting about the market situation right now?

The uncertainty and constant ups and downs in all our markets offer opportunities for the Brüning Group alongside all the challenges. We are well positioned to take advantage of these opportunities because we can act watchfully, flexibly and quickly. We can prove our role as a problem solver every day.


What or who really surprised you in a positive way at the Brüning Group?

The whole team, again and again and more and more. The Brüning Group lives from the great people who work with and for us.

What should never be missing in your daily work?

A few casual sayings from colleagues and a some sweets in the afternoon.


If you could wake up tomorrow with a new professional skill, what would it be?

A perfect memory with unlimited storage space.