
Extension of Full Supply Contract

It has been one year since we signed the full supply contract with Vejen Varmeværk in Denmark. During this time we have been able to convince our customer of us and our work. Test period passed! The result is the extension of the contract for full supply with an annual demand of approx. 23,500 tonnes.

Great news! Andreas Nielsen, Market Development & Account Manager at our office in Copenhagen, thinks the same. In an interview he tells us about the details and backgrounds.


Dear Andreas,
congratulations on the extension of your contract! Can you tell us a little bit about this?

Thank you! The first year of testing has been successful for both parties. The transparency and trust in the partnership gives the power plant excellent information about the market and we can continuously improving our services with a close partner through honest feedback and open mindedness. Additionally, both parties enjoy great reliability from each other. This way, the partnership model has showed us that both can profit from such a close cooperation.

The concept of full supply – what exactly does this mean? To what extent can power plants in Denmark benefit from it?

The concept of full supply in its most basic sense, means that we as a supplier are the exclusive supplier of the power plant. In the Brüning | Group however, we have developed the idea to a much deeper level of cooperation. In this case, with Vejen Varmeværk, we have an open book-system, which means that we agree on a market-based target and constantly exchange information about the market. In this way we ensure that both parties, through trust and transparency, pursue the same goals and that a continuous improvement process takes place.

How was the cooperation during the test period? Were there any specific challenges?

We are very grateful that our customer is such a flexible partner. Together we have quickly mastered challenges such as the storage of industrial wood and wood chips, finding a spot for wood chipping or trying out new solutions such as digital driver guides to optimise the delivery processes. We have even installed a live camera which we can access from our location in Fischerhude. This allows us to monitor just-in-time deliveries and at the same time relieves the power plant of work.

What are the further objectives after the extension of the contract?

We hope to continue to be a competitive supplier in the future with new projects such as the import of high quality industrial wood by train or truck to the local storage in Vejen. This will enhance the degree of delivery reliability. We also hope to see an improvement and expansion of the delivery facilities at the power plant and are developing the optimum solution for this in close cooperation with another partner.

And where do you see room for optimisation?

I believe that we have room for optimising through new technological solutions. That could be more automation in the delivery processes, GPS-tracking or for instance a client log-in for our own software to give quicker access to delivery data and results. The goal will always be to achieve an even better delivery process and an ever-greater customer satisfaction.

Thank you for the interview and lots of success!
